
This project provides Windows Snapshot builds of Free Pascal and Lazarus, built to be compatible (“drop-in”) replacements for the official installer. These archives are built manually about once a week using FPCup. BE WARNED: These are development snapshots. The only check I do is whether it builds, no guarantee is made if the package runs, crashes or destroys your data. You have been warned.


File names follow the scheme Lazarus-{$versionName}-{$gitRev}_fpc-{$versionName}-{$gitRev}_{$buildDate}-{$buildTime}.zip, so newer versions will most likely be showing up at the bottom of the list.


The directory structure is identical to the one created by the Installers available from the regular repositories, so it is possible to “upgrade” an existing installation by extracting the archive into the same folder and keep file associations.

GDB is a custom-built version containing the following fixes:

FPC is built with the following patches:

To see what patches were used for a particular build, starting from 2018-01-21 the patchlist is included in the Git changelogs.


  1. Extract the archive to suitable location

  2. Run makeconfig.cmd to adjust local fpc.cfg

  3. Adjust paths in Lazarus config. Use platform macros $(TargetCPU)-$(TargetOS) where needed. A good setup is:

    Compiler Path: $(LazarusDir)\fpc\3.3.1\bin\$(TargetCPU)-$(TargetOS)\fpc.exe
    FPC Source Directory: $(LazarusDir)\fpc\$(FPCVer)\source
    Make Path: $Path($(CompPath))make.exe
    Debugger path: $(LazarusDir)\mingw\bin\$(TargetCPU)-$(TargetOS)\gdb.exe

    Note: you may have to adjust 3.3.1 to the actual version.

  4. Rebuild your IDE to reintegrate your package choices. These are stored in your user profile and should be migrated without issues.

    I tend to build as “Optimized IDE” at this point since it doesn’t actually take that much more time, but gives a noticeably snappier IDE.


Builds by @martok. (Mail). Don’t write about Laz/FPC-Bugs, I’m rarely involved in development there.